
Today and tomorrow the lady who watches Robert is on vacation for the long weekend!  Grandma and Grandpa were coming over from Mississippi to watch him while we were at work.  However, due to daddy's new vacation ... the plans changed!  I'm watching Robert in the morning so they don't have to get up early and come over to our house all day.  Around lunch time we'll go on over, hang out for a little bit, and they'll watch him for the afternoon while I, uhh (whatever I want).

Usually I have morning duty (0430-0515-ish)- diaper, bottle, chit chat, then back in bed, and I'm off to the gym.  At night, mommy feeds him rice cereal and a bottle.  Inbetween he'll be at daycare (that word is awful sounding).  So spending all morning with him, alone, was something I haven't done much.  It was cool, we sat and chatted and did our thing, even got a few naps in!  Fine, yes, we played facebook poker too.

Grandma and Grandpa made some lunch for dad!  Mom came over from work and had lunch with us too.  A little after lunch, I split to go home and hop on the bike.  I got in almost 2 hours.  It was a little warmer than my other rides, but still good.  My legs definitely were speaking to me!  See any alligators?

Google Map Location - Levy between Piney Z and Alfred Arms

After my ride, I went back over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner!  It was a quick dinner because then I had to attend the monthly condo board meeting.  At just about an hour, it was actually a short one (and a civil one at that).  I can only hope that the 2+ hr meeting days are behind us.

I went out for some drinks with a buddy.  Good stuff.  Rachael was messaging me saying that Grumpert (Robert's grumpy alter ego) was full boar.  When I walked in the door, it sounded awful!  Moans of pain and serious screaming.  It's always easy from the outside to point and ask questions, one of my first questions was if he was hungry.  After takling about what she'd tried, and making a bottle, HE SUCKED THAT THING DOWNNNNNN.  Then he went right to sleep!  Phew!

Not a lot to check off a list for the day, but a great day off.