
Day 9 - Yardwork take 1

Today I woke up early and went to the gym.  It was a ghost town no thanks to the game festivities from yesterday.  After the gym, I came home and goofed off until the bike shop was open.  After my flat tire yesterday, something just didn't feel right with the rear end and I wanted to have it checked out.

The guys over at The Great Bicycle Shop have been taking really good care of me.  J.C. said he'd take a look at things.  I debated riding the bike to the shop, trying to guilt them into looking on the spot, but decided against it.  He said he would probably have it back to me late the next day.  Not the end of the world, since I have a road bike and need to spread the love between all my aluminum children.  I headed over to Costco on the way home and picked up gas for the edger & mower, and some eats: a rotisserie chicken and a monster salad to munch on this week.

When I got home, Rachael messaged and said that her team was heading up to Tijuana Flats for lunch.  I was dressed like a bum - big surprise (earlier style reference) - but went because the food is yummmmy!  Everyone asked what I was up to and my official answer to anyone who asks is "whatever I want".  Concise, and true.  After stuffing myself for the xyz day in a row (who's counting, really?) ... I headed back home to face reality: yardwork.  I mowed the lawn, it takes me about 2 hours to do a full job: edge, weed whack, mow, blow. 

When I was done, I checked my phone and was pleasantly surprised by a call from the shop!  My bike was ready!  Sweeet.  No charge?  I'm in love.  I had just enough time to zip over to the shop for my bike, then back home to swap vehicles and pickup Robert!  Then had a good evening at home with the family!